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Who's this girl?

I guess maybe you've already known my name in the top-middle of the page.  I can tell you one fact that my friends and some of my co-workers call me Terri. 


I graduated:

Diploma of Design | FPT Arena Multimedia

2017 - 2019


My experience here: I have learned how to use Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign and so on in this school.

Bachelor of Professional Communication| RMIT University
2016 - 2019


My experience here: In the university, I have the experience working in Music Club, Basketball Club, and Student Council.


A few more things about me:

I really like listening to rock and it is also one of the ways that help get inspired when design


Moreover, I am a workout-holic girl (I think haha). Because to me, the health is very important. You can't do everything without strong health so I really want to go to the gym when I have free time.


Another thing about me is I really like travel and one of my goals is to travel all over the world. To fulfill the dream, right now, I am trying to work and find a chance to live in many countries



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